Category IaC

The power of the script: vSphere CLI

When you learn the syntax, using the vSphere CLI is an easy way to gather information quickly and easily from one or many vCenters. PowerCLI is a potent tool. The examples provided only begin to demonstrate its capabilities. Tasks you…

Deploying a VM using terraform

First we need to ensure we have the terraform vSphere provider installed. Replace `”your-username”`, `”your-password”`, and `”your-vsphere-server”` with your actual vSphere credentials and server address. Initialize the Terraform Working Directory: Run the following command in your terminal from the directory…

What to know to select automation tool?

There are many automation tools out there that businesses can use to automate and utilize Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Application deployments, container setup, etc. They bring different abilities and flavor. Choosing the right tool for your organization is worth taking…

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