Storage DRS

VM DRS balances VMs on ESXi hosts and gives the VMs the best possible startup point. Storage DRS is a similar technology that balances the vmdks over data stores. It is a technology that simplifies the datastore management. How to…

What to know to select automation tool?

There are many automation tools out there that businesses can use to automate and utilize Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Application deployments, container setup, etc. They bring different abilities and flavor. Choosing the right tool for your organization is worth taking…

vSphere CPU Scheduler

In vSphere 6.7 VMware introduced CPU Scheduler options that allows the Administrators to secure against CPU exploits by defining how the VM access the CPU. These CPU Schedulers have different impact on performance. This article shows why and how they work.

Output of ESXtop results unreadable

Terminal on Mac uses by default xTerm-256color – this is not supported by ESXi and will result in garbled display when you run commands like ESXtop. To get an output that is readable we need to change the terminal display…

Distributed Resource Scheduler

DRS addresses where it is optimal for a VM to run. This is done to place the VM on the best ESXi host when the VM starts up based upon resources availability. The load balancing between Cluster nodes (ESXi hosts) is also based on moving VMs to another host that has less resource constraints.
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